The European Processor Initiative

Si è svolta a luglio la 15esima edizione della International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems (ACACES 2019), organizzata da HiPEAC in collaborazione con TETRAMAX Innovation Action e Eurolab4HPC . Come per le edizioni precedenti, Reiss Romoli ha avuto un ruolo chiave nella organizzazione e gestione dell’evento.

A questa edizione hanno partecipato circa 220 ricercatori provenienti da molte delle università europee ed esperti del settore, con docenti provenienti da rinomate università americane e da industrie di punta del settore.

Durante la Summer School i partecipanti seguono 4 corsi, scelti tra i 12 del programma, oltre a un Keynote Speach e a un Invited Talk.

Per l’edizione 2019 di ACACES il Keynote Speach è stato tenuto dal prof. Mauro Olivieri, dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma, che ha parlato di:


Roadmap towards exascale: the European Processor Initiative

The historical evolution of supercomputing technologies and of embedded computing technologies exhibits a convergence of targets that narrows the gap between such traditionally distant worlds, and paves the way to an extraordinary future societal scenario.

As a consequence, the sovereignty on power-efficient high-performance microprocessor technology has become a transversal strategic capability for the advancement of modern nations. Europe, after years of delay with respect to other advanced regions of the world, has now started a set of initiatives to gain a new leading position in computing technology.

The first large investment in such direction is represented by the European Processor Initiative, a 4-year 26-partner project whose aim is to design and implement a roadmap for a new family of low-power European processors, for extreme scale computing and a range of emerging applications. The initial core drivers of the development are supercomputing, AI for Big Data, and future Automotive systems.

The opening keynote talk of the HiPEAC ACACES School 2019 has addressed the motivation, objectives, timeline, and technical insights of this unprecedented project, also highlighting the opportunities for further developments.


Mauro Olivieri, Sapienza University of Rome / BSC

Mauro Olivieri received the Master (Laurea) degree in electronics engineering and the Doctorate degree in electronics and computer engineering from the University of Genoa, Italy, where he was an assistant professor from 1995 to 1998. In 1998 he joined Sapienza University of Rome as an associate professor, teaching Digital Electronics and Digital Integrated System Architectures. His research interests are digital system-on-chip design, microprocessor core design, and digital nano-scale circuits. He was the scientific responsible for Sapienza University for 2 FP7 ENIAC JU European projects, 1 FP7 IAPP European project, 4 PRIN/FIRB national projects, 11 MIUR University Projects, and 8 industrial research contracts. He was a technical expert for the Italian Economic Development Ministry in the “Smart Specialization Strategy” project on the topic “Smart Cities/Communities”. He is an evaluator for the European Commission in the ECSEL Joint Undertaking. He is a visiting researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain, within the European Processor Initiative project. He authored over 110 papers and a textbook in three volumes on digital VLSI design. He has been a TPC member of IEEE DATE and was General Co-Chair of IEEE/ACM ISLPED’15. He is a senior member of the IEEE.

 Mauro Olivieri
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